2 - The Passengers waiting for the Albalanda coach at Piercebridge
‘The Road to Albalanda’ By Samuel Tuke Richardson of Darlington c.1896 ‘A successful start was made about 10.30, poor Chance their little dog watching their departure with tears trickling down his face, but he consoled himself for having been left behind by retiring into the drawing room [a room he was never allowed to enter] & there ensconsed in the best chair spent the rest of the day in slumber. But we are omitting to enumerate all the passengers who accompanied the coachman & his wife upon the drive. They were Mr & Mrs De la Reynardez & their two charming daughters Violet & Maud making 6 in all 7 with the guard who occupied the dickey on the back of the Trap’. -
Beamish Museum -
Beamish (Flickr) -
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Last modified: 9 years, 5 months ago
Viewed: 908 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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