Prisons (1968)
No title - Maximum security prisons at Durham, Leicester and Parkhurst. L/S prisoner exercising in Durham Prison yard behind very high wire fence, there is a guard in foreground. M/S man exercising, pan to the barbed wire at top of fence. Interior shots main block at Durham. L/S showing wire between floors. C/U as cell door opens to show prisoner reading newspaper with back to camera, various shots of a budgerigar in cage beside him. C/U prisoner reading, pan to barred windows with curtains. L/S men working in metal work shop. C/U prisoner using hacksaw. C/U wrought iron work. M/S prisoner and instructor looking at wrought iron. L/S through bars, two prisoners playing table tennis. C/U the men playing. M/S the main gate at Leicester Prison. L/S and C/U closed circuit TV camera outside prison. L/S pan high wire fence inside prison with TV camera at top. M/S the camera turning. M/S the main block. Interior M/S cell with man studying papers on bed. C/U book called "Criminal Law", and other papers. M/S's the man, with back to camera, looking at the papers. L/S prisoner lifting weights. C/U guard watching. M/S the prisoner lifting. L/S the main gate at Parkhurst. C/U sign "Parkhurst Central Prison". Interior M/S main block. L/S prisoners working in sewing machine shop. C/U line of sewing machines. C/U's prisoner working on sewing machine. C/U as barred gate opens into garden. M/S TV camera on wall, pan to two guards. Various shots of the garden. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: Join us on Facebook at: Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:2065.02 -
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Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 776 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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