055784:St. John's Church Grainger Street Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1901
Type : Photograph Medium : Print-black-and-white Description : A view of the exterior of St. John's Church Grainger Street Newcastle upon Tyne taken in 1901. The photograph has been taken from Grainger Street looking across to the church. It is a busy street scene. Grainger Street is in the foreground with St. John's Church in the centre. The church tower dominates the exterior. The side of the church is hidden by the trees in the churchyard. There are buildings to the side of and behind St. John's. The tower of St. John's Church dates to the 15th century.Churches Collection : Local Studies Printed Copy : If you would like a printed copy of this image please contact Newcastle Libraries http://www.newcastle.gov.uk/tlt" >www.newcastle.gov.uk/tlt quoting Accession Number : 055784 -
Newcastle Libraries -
Newcastle libraries (Flickr) -
What does this mean? Public Domain Mark -
Further information
Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/39821974@N06/4084887395/
Resource type: Image
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1019 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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