060089:Lord Mayor's Parade Northumberland Street Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1993
Type : Photograph Medium : Print-colour Description : A view of the Lord Mayor's Parade Northumberland Street Newcastle upon Tyne taken in 1993. The photograph shows the left-hand side of Northumberland Street which is lined with crowds. The parade includes a truck advertising 'First Act Theatre Presents The Tune Army' and the 'Radio Newcastle' Bus. In the foreground boys dressed as 1920s gangsters surround an American car flying the American flag. Shops that can be seen on Northumberland Street include 'Fenwick' 'Saxone' 'Barrats' 'Evans' 'Marks -
Newcastle Libraries -
Newcastle libraries (Flickr) -
What does this mean? Public Domain Mark -
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Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/39821974@N06/4087087620/
Resource type: Image
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 739 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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