FOUNTAIN HOUSE - Kirkby Lonsdale - List Entry
Mid C18 house. Two storeys. Stucco with stone dressings. Slate roof. Five bay symmetrical composition. Plinth. Chamfered rusticated quoins. Modillion cornice with blocking course. Windows with plain stone surrounds and sashes without glazing bars. Doorway has three-quarter Ionic columns, pulvinated frieze, modillion cornice and pediment. Six panel door. Rectangular fanlight. Low stone wall across front with small stone gatepiers from which springs wrought iron arch. The rear is of rubble, with quoins and kneelers. Windows with plain stone surrounds, sashed with all glazing bars. Large staircase window with plain surround, its lower half sashed with all glazing bars, upper half a fixed Gothick head considerably wider than the jambs with intersecting glazing bars.... -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 2 months, 1 week ago
Viewed: 69 times
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