Topics > Cumbria > Kirkby Lonsdale > Beck Head
Beck Head
Beck Head is a short road in Kirkby Lonsdale. It runs between Market Street and Queens Square. There are 5 listed buildings on Beck Head daing from the 18th or early 19th century. These listed buildings include Fountain House and Nos 2 & 4, on the south side of Beck Head, situated by the north end of Mitchelgate. Also, on the north side of Beck Head, the listed buildings are No. 1, No. 3., and No. 5 (No. 1 is down a narrow lane beside No 3. and not seen from the main road).

1, BECK HEAD - Kirkby Lonsdale - List Entry
- C19 cottage. Two storeys. Rubble. Slate roof. One chimney. Window with plain reveals, sashed. Modern door. Included for group value with churchyard which it faces....
Added by
Simon Cotterill

1, BECK HEAD - Kirkby Lonsdale - List Entry
- C19 cottage. Two storeys. Rubble. Slate roof. One chimney. Window with plain reveals, sashed. Modern door. Included for group value with churchyard which it faces....
Added by
Simon Cotterill