Tyne and Wear HER(7757): Killingworth Hall
Killingworth Hall, a large residence set in its own walled garden, the home of the Killingworth family, is located on the south side of the main street through Killingworth village, on the west side of the cross-roads with Killingworth Road. The date of the original Hall is unknown but it was certainly rebuilt around 1765. In 1767 it was described as "a very genteel and commodious house [with] every convenience suitable for a Gentleman's family". The estate was purchased by John Williams, who had built up iron and glass interests. He died in 1763 and his son, also John, sold the house for 8000 guineas in 1767 to the wholesale grocer George Colpitts. In 1825 a Miss Tate ran the Hall as a boarding school. Today it is a residential dwelling once again. Picturesque ruins were built on the west side in 1950.... -
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Link: https://sitelines.newcastle.gov.uk/SMR/7757
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Viewed: 55 times
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