Former "Denton Inn", 110 Denton Street - March 2018 (1)
"Once again, State Management records serve only to confuse. While there seems to have been an off-licence possibly called the "Denton Inn" at 50 Denton Street, the property seen here was the original site of the "Denton Inn" at 110 Denton Street. It first appears in local directories of 1880 and probably dates from this period. It was acquired by the State Management Scheme on 22 August 1916 and is recorded as closed in 1927 due to adverse police reports. What happened next is still unclear, but the Scheme sale catalogue records the "Denton Inn" as 50 Denton Street (see: ), when it may have been known as "Denton Wine Stores. Photograph is for record only - I have no connection with any business seen in this view and cannot advise on their products or services." Photo by The Carlisle Kid, 2018. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 months, 4 weeks ago
Viewed: 156 times
Picture Taken: 2018-03-26 -
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