Former "Denton Inn", Denton Street - March 2018
"State Management Scheme records suggest 50 Denton Street was the site of the "Denton Inn", possibly also known as "Denton Wines Stores", which was sold to Scottish & Newcastle on 16 April 1973. It may have been a replacement for the earlier "Denton Inn" at 110 Denton Street (see: ) which closed in 1927 following an adverse police report. More research is required. There are no numbers on any of these premises, but 50 should be the middle shop. However, the actual Inn/off-licence could have been larger, with subsequent re-numbering. Date of closure has not been found. Photograph is for record only – I have no connection with any business seen in this view and cannot advise on their products or services." Photo by The Carlisle Kid, 2018. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Viewed: 126 times
Picture Taken: 2018-03-09 -
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