DEFENCE / TRANSPORT HMS Sussex, named by Lady Leconfield and launched at Newcastle on Tyne (1928)
Cruiser, HMS Sussex, named by Lady Leconfield, launched at Newcastle on Tyne. Ships / military /? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: HMS Sussex. Tenth of the new 10,000 ton County class cruisers named by Lady Leconfield and launched at Newcastle on Tyne ENGLAND: Northumberland: Newcastle on Tyne: EXT Crowd gathered at dockside; Long shots of Lady Leconfield (Beatrice Wyndham, Baroness Leconfield) naming and launching cruiser, HMS Sussex (not clearly seen): ship down slipway and in water: Background: Cruiser, HMS Sussex, named by Lady Leconfield, launched at Newcastle on Tyne. Ships / military / navy / launch FILM ID: VLVA88MFP48UOER5V818F14MLP16X To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé -
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Last modified: 1 year, 3 months ago
Viewed: 213 times
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