Phoenix Art Centre, Harelaw, County Durham: Archaeological Building Recording
Tony Liddell, 2019. "On the 18th of October 2012, a planning application was submitted by Derwentside Building to demolish part of the former National School at Harelaw, County Durham and convert the remaining building into a single dwelling and four semi-detached dwellings. In 2013, Derwentside Building sold the property to the current client, Anderson and Metcalf who continued with the development. The northern section of the building, originally built in 1846 as the Collierley National School is a Grade II Listed Building and as such a condition of the planning consent was the production of an archaeological building recording .....The school building contained four phases, dating from 1846, 1886, circa 1898 and the 1960s. Overall, the structure holds relative importance due to its construction at a date where purpose-built schools were rare, along with the quality of the construction. The original build, together with the church and vicarage also formed the core of the historic village....." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 year, 8 months ago
Viewed: 245 times
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