Dyke Stone, Gosforth
"The Dyke Stone is situated at the eastern end of Aidan Walk. The inscription reads: "Main Dyke distance from Pit 349 yards Cut 3d June 1828". Gosforth Colliery opened in 1829 but unfortunately the shaft was sunk too close to the Ninety Fathom Dyke. The High Main coal seam was reached at 25 fathoms from the surface but dyke "threw it down" to a depth of 1,100 feet so the shaft had to be continued down to 181 fathoms to reach the lower seams." Photo by Phil Thirkell, 2006. -
Phil Thirkell -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/301765
Resource type: Image
Added by: Peter Smith
Last modified: 2 years, 3 months ago
Viewed: 297 times
Picture Taken: 2006-12-30 -
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