Old Haydon Bridge and weir
"This is the east (downstream) side of the bridge, looking across to the Anchor Hotel. There has been a bridge here since the 13th century, and before that a ford. The South Tyne is prone to flash floods that have swept away many a bridge over the centuries; the present one was erected in 1774 but has been partially destroyed several times since and widened during the 20th century. Perhaps because of this history of alteration it is only listed at grade II (entry 1154570) rather than a higher grade. There is now a modern road bridge a short distance downstream and this one is closed to motor vehicles. " Photo by Stephen Craven, 2020. -
Stephen Craven -
Geograph (Geograph) -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6421487
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 years ago
Viewed: 368 times
Picture Taken: 2020-03-15 -
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