St Cuthbert's Church, 100m north west of Upper Denton Farm
"...St Cuthbert's Church at Upper Denton is a good example of a medieval parish church which eventually became redundant. It survives well and retains considerable medieval fabric together with stonework removed from Hadrian's Wall. Internally the church contains a Roman arch believed to have come from Birdoswald Roman fort....The chancel arch is Roman, reputedly to have come from Birdoswald fort. Externally the corners of the church are finished with large flush quoins, the roof is of stone slate with coped gables, and there is a bellcote at the apex of the west gable. The church is thought to have been constructed in the early 12th century. In the 18th century the west wall of the nave and the bellcote were rebuilt, and in 1881 new windows were inserted...." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 347 times
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