Esk Boathouse
"....Notice:- -- 'Ere Metal Brig or Rail were thowt on, / Here Honest Will the Boatman rowt on / Gentle and simple he did guide / to either Scotch or English side, / wi' them on horseback he did ride / an' boat the footman. / An' none did ever dread the tide / wi' Will the Boatman / Now tho' Will's work is done an' o'er / an' Will himself lies quiet, / yet lives his SPIRIT here - step in an' try it. / Ne'er Time nor Tide can half so pure supply it.' ..." -
Old Cumbria Gazetteer -
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Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 years, 5 months ago
Viewed: 399 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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