Image from page 40 of "Antiquities of Great Britain, : illustrated in views of monasteries, castles, and churches, now existing." (1807)
Identifier: antiquitiesofgre01hear Title:">Antiquities of Great Britain, : illustrated in views of monasteries, castles, and churches, now existing. Year:">1807 (">1800s) Authors:">Hearne, Thomas, 1744-1817">Byrne, William, 1743-1805 Subjects:">Monasteries">Castles">Architecture Publisher:">London: : Printed by J. Phillips... and published by the proprietors T. Hearne and W. Byrne Contributing Library:">Boston Public Library Digitizing Sponsor:">Boston Public Library View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: harles II. la donna a ferme pour quelque annees a lheritier legitimeM. Thomas Prefton de Holker, Ecuyer. Guillaume & Marie en renouvellerentle bail, afin quelle ne fortit point de la famille; de la quelle elle pafTa enfuitepar marriage avec lheritiere, a Sir Guillaume Lowther de Marfk, dans le contedYork; au fuccefTeur du quel on continua le bail avec lettres patentes dans lafeconde annee de George I. moyennant la fomme de 1000 livres fterling ferefervant en outre une rente de 200 livres fterling. Sir Guillaume Lowtherdernier male de la famile des Preftons de Prefton-Patrick par fa mere, mou-rut fans avoir jamais ete marie, A. D. 1756, & laifTa fes terres de Cartmel &de Furnefs, a. fon coufin Mylord George Cavendifh. LEftampe reprefente le cote occidental de la croix qui etait au nord duchceur, avec le dedans du bout oriental de leglife. La vue en a ete prife duchemin, ayant a la droite le clocher, dont la partic inferieure fe voit dans1Eftampe. Le Plan a ete tire en ij77. Text Appearing After Image: Prawn WTH earrn* TW)./ (X \(o } //La» /I 2 ^& v& ^A- ECtIemont Castle ^ « jgU**** Enp-rard byW.Bvme & S Mddrinan VMrJ/?///.j ///o. -,// f/za/f/-//// ,//)///•//r rr/u/ «s/wma<41 7Cearitt_ London.- Pubtishdor t/icActdirecfo, tffepfijfS, <VW.JSyrnr XT.Hcarnc EGREMONT CASTLE Le CHATEAU DEGREMONT Is fituaSed upon the top of an hill or mount near the river Egan (now cor-ruptly called End), from which it is fuppofed to have derived its name, i. e.Ege-er-mont. Ranulph de Mechines, the firft Earl of Chefter of that name, to whom theConqueror had given the whole county of Cumberland, granted the great baronyof Coupland, which contained all the land betwixt the rivers Dudene andDarwent, to William de Mechines his brother; who thereupon feated himfelfat Egremont, where he built the Caftle, and made it the head of his barony;from whence all the lands within the diftridt of Coupland were held of theCaftle of Egremont. He married Cicely de Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years ago
Viewed: 324 times
Picture Taken: 1825-01-01T00:00:00 -
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