Image from page 746 of "Transactions" (1852)
Identifier: transactions58nort Title:">Transactions Year:">1852 (">1850s) Authors:">North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne">North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Report of the Committee upon mechanical coalcutting, 1905 Subjects:">Mineral industries">Mechanical engineering Publisher:">Newcastle-upon-Tyne Contributing Library:">Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor:">University of Toronto View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: xis,but, if the integrating wheel is tilted, there will be a resultant causing the integ-rating wheel to rotate around its own axis, and the more it is tilted the quicker itwill revolve. This motion is in exact proportion to the amount of material carriedon the belt. Through suitable gearing, the motion of the integrating wheel istransmitted to an ordinary numerical counter, which can be graduated to suit eachseparate case. Owing to its extremely simple theory of operation and absence of all complexmotions and multiplicity of frictional parts, the accuracy of the results obtainedcan be guaranteed to meet any usual and reasonable requirements so far as theweighing of material in bulk is concerned. To illustrate M. JofuvKirsopp, Junk Paper onCoalshipi/ieni> and ihe>Layiruj-oid of Staithe Heads, etc. Fig. 1.—Plan of Staithe. showing Vox XXXV^Piate JSK. Wall Coal-handling Apparatus.Fig. 3.—Section of Loading End of Staithe. Fig. 5.-Section of Reversing-valve for Steel Cylinders. Text Appearing After Image: Scale, 4 Feet to 7 Inch. Scale, 4 Feet to 7 Inch. Fig. 8.—Plan showing Position of Cylinders with Piston-rod Slide Arrangement. n n n n __n Scale, 4 Feet to 3 Inches.Fig. 11.—Plan of Working Crosshead. s JS8.J....L m\ BBi^ujLjag, jlZD I r wt i isa— im j«—r*naf -A* 3krfiri of England Institute ofIfiwru? * 24echcuwxU EnqvTransactions. 190IT]$0$ And? Reid k Camj&Vl Newcastle uponiyne. □ Scale, 4 Feet to 1 htn 1 1 Scale, 4 feet to 3 Inches VojtUX- PlateJ7 To illustrate-}f-JoTwvJSrsopp, JimiPaper on Coal shipment and Uie Laying -out of Staillie Heads, eta Vol .T.TOZ, Pim-e SS Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 3 months ago
Viewed: 371 times
Picture Taken: 1852-01-01T00:00:00 -
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