Langleeford farmhouse flanked by Hedgehope Hill
"The mid to late C18th farmhouse is a Grade II Listed Building. Sir Walter Scott stayed at the farm with his uncle in 1791, enjoying the fishing, walking and the attentions of the local milk-maid who brought him goat's milk every morning. "...Behold a letter from the mountains for I am very snugly settled here in a farmer's house ... in the very centre of the Cheviot Hills in one of the wildest and most Romantic sites ... My uncle drinks the goat's whey here, as I do ever since I understood it was brought to his bedside every morning at six by a very pretty dairy-maid. All day we shoot, fish, walk and ride; dine and sup on fish struggling from the stream ... all in perfection; and so much simplicity resides among these hills that a pen ... was not to be found about the house, though belonging to a considerable farmer, till I shot the crow with whose quill I write this epistle." The Letters of Sir Walter Scott (1787-1832) ed. Sir Herbert J.C. Grierson." Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2012. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 10 months ago
Viewed: 369 times
Picture Taken: 2012-03-30 -
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