Foot of the Side, Newcastle, 18th Century.
Image from page 291 of "History of Newcastle and Gateshead" (1884)
Identifier: historyofnewcast03welf Title:">History of Newcastle and Gateshead Year:">1884 (">1880s) Authors:">Welford, Richard, 1836-1919 Subjects: Publisher:">London, W. Scott Contributing Library:">Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor:">University of Toronto View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: enmark to recruit his battalions with 28o NEWCASTLE AND GATESHEAD. [1627. Englishmen. On the 5th August captain Herbert Prise wrote tosecretary Coke froni Newcastle, reporting his arrival there to receive250 men, and convey them across the North Sea. He describes themas numbering only 233, and many of them very unable, with a generalwant of apparel. Captain Prise commended the exertions of themayor, and the latter wrote to the privy council a few days laterannouncing the departure of the recruits for Stade on the sixth, onboard the ship Sara of Newcastle, under convoy of captain JamesDuppa. October 3. For 200/., William Clavering of Gateshead, gentleman, acquiredthe new house at Beamish Park, from William Andrew of Newcastle, boolter. October 10. Bishop Neile was translated to the see of Winchester. His suc-cessor, George Monteigne, sat at Durham only three months, beingadvanced to the see of York in June 1628, John Howson followedMonteigne at Durham, and held the bishopric till 1631. Text Appearing After Image: Foot ok the Side, Newcastle, isin Centuuv. i628.] SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 281 1628. 3 and 4 Charles I. Bishops of Durham—Richard Neile, George Monteigne, and John Howson. Mayor and Sheriff of Neivcastle till Michaelmas:— Henry Chapman, Mayor, and Henry Cock, Sheriff. Mayor and Sheriff elected at Michaelmas :— Mayor—Robert Bewicke. Arms : As in 1615. Sheriff—Ralph Gray. Arms : Barry of six argent and azure, a bend gules, charged in chief with abezant; in chief a martlet of the third. O Charles third parliament, which sat from March thisyear to June, and from January to March following,the burgesses of Newcastle sent— Sir Thomas Riddell and Sir Peter Riddell,Knights. For eleven years thereafter the king governed without a parliament. February 9. The king granted an imposition of 2s. upon every chaldron ofcoals laden in Newcastle and Sunderland to be vended in thekingdom, and next day ordered a levy of 5s. a chaldron to be madeupon coals transported to foreign parts. Both grants Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 487 times
Picture Taken: 1884-01-01T00:00:00 -
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