The Glass House Bridge, Newcastle. Erected in I669.
Image from page 219 of "History of Newcastle and Gateshead" (1884)
Identifier: historyofnewcast03welf Title:">History of Newcastle and Gateshead Year:">1884 (">1880s) Authors:">Welford, Richard, 1836-1919 Subjects: Publisher:">London, W. Scott Contributing Library:">Robarts - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor:">University of Toronto View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: f their coming hither was thepersecution of the protestants in their own country, of whose persua-sion they were. They were by occupation glass-makers. At theirfirst coming to this town they wrought in their trade at the CloseGate. After that they removed into Staffordshire, from whence theyremoved again and settled upon the river-side, at the place called,from their abiding in it, the Glass Houses. Mr. Sidney Grazebrook,in a useful little book, entitled Collections from the Genealogy ofthe Noble Families of Henzey, Tyttery, and Tyzack, writes :— Not-withstanding what Bourne and others say, I do not think there is anyproof that glass-works existed, either in the neighbourhood of Stour-bridge or on the banks of the Tyne, before the year 1615, or there-abouts, when a patent was granted to Sir Robert Mansell, knight,vice-admiral of England, by James I. The whole subject of glassmanufacture on the Tyne is exhaustively treated by Mr. Clcphan inthe Archcuologia ^liana, vol. viii., p. 108. Text Appearing After Image: The Glass House Bridge, Newcastle. Erected in I6e9. i6i6.] SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 209 16 I 6. 13 and 14 James I. Bishop of Durham—William James. Mayor and Sheriff of Newcastle till Michaelmas .•— Francis Burrell, Mayor, and Robert Bewicke, Sheriff. Mayor and Sheriff elected at Michaelmas:— Mayor—Sir Thomas Riddell. Arms : As in 1604. Sheriff—Nicholas [Carr MS. Michell] Milburn. Arms : Sable, between three escallops a fess argent, charged with a crescent gules. In May, the coming mayor, Thomas Riddell, bailiff of Gateshead,was knighted. Chaytor of Butterby, recording the fact in his diary,adds, The price of gaining knightship is 300. Capiat qui viiltHis son, Thomas Riddell of Fenham, was knighted shortly after-wards, and became recorder of Newcastle on the death of Sir JohnJackson. IR HENRY ANDERSON and vicar Morton weregreatly exercised by the spread of recusancy, andthey complained of the encouragement given by lordWilliam Howard to those who disobeyed the Act ofUniformity. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years ago
Viewed: 686 times
Picture Taken: 1884-01-01T00:00:00 -
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