The Irish Gate
The original South gate in Carlisle's City Wall, in 1835. The remains of the Tudor Walls shown here, were not the first defensive barriers put up to protect the inhabitants here, when it was the Roman town of LUGU-VALLUM the walls were so strong they lasted until a long time after the Roman's had left Britain. "Even after the ravages of the Picts and Scots it preserved some of its antient splendour and was accounted a city. For A.D. 619 Egfrid king of Northumberland, gave it to St. Cuthbert in the following words: "I have given also the city called Luguballia with 15 miles around it." At which time it was also walled in. "The townspeople," says Bede, "brought Cuthbert to see the walls of the city, and a fountain in it built in an extraordinary manner by the Romans." That saint, according to the register of Durham, "settled there a congregation of nuns, and appointed an abbess, and founded schools there." It was afterwards greatly ruined by the Danes, and lay buried in its ashes near 200 years, till it began to recover itself under the favour of king William Rufus, who erected new buildings in it, built the castle, and settled a colony first of Flemings." by William Camden, 1586 -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 2 months ago
Viewed: 617 times
Picture Taken: 2019-11-26T00:03:53 -
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