Bewcastle Cross (detail)
"Detail of the sundial on the south face. The canonical sundial carved on the south face of the Bewcastle Cross is believed to be contemporary in form with the rest of the carvings on the monument and was certainly used as a time-piece. The dial is a semi-circle with the hole for the gnomon now lost and the rays mark 12 divisions between sunrise and sunset. Some early scholars argued that the sundial provides evidence for the date of the cross being Norman rather than Saxon in date, and perhaps as late as the twelfth century. A late date is also supported by the Norman-like chequer-board pattern on the north face. It has been pointed out, however, that the sundial resembles the Saxon sundial at St Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale [[580444]] and one at St Andrew's Church, Bishopstone, inscribed with the name Eadric, the King of Kent in 685 [[2871878]] There is a nice modern representation of the dial within its surrounding vine motifs in stained glass in the east window of the church [[5212503]]" Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2016. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 11 months ago
Viewed: 333 times
Picture Taken: 2016-11-25 -
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