Cottages at Harlow Hill
"Harlow Hill is a small rural settlement on the Military Road (B6318) which was built on top of Hadrian's Wall. It is on a prominent hill top with views in all directions (particularly the south), chosen for the location of Roman Milecastle number 16. The vallum doesn't make the same deviation from the apparent straight line alignment that the Wall itself makes, and passes some distance below the hill to the south where in places its line is quite prominent across the fields. The current buildings of the village stand on the site of the shrunken medieval village of Harlow Hill which existed in AD1297, when it was the property of the Lords of Prudhoe. Eight farms were recorded here in the C17th but its present size is now about half" Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2012. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 3 months ago
Viewed: 546 times
Picture Taken: 2012-01-28 -
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