Obelisk at Lemington Hall
"The Obelisk with Lemington Hall in the background. There is public access to this site. The Evelyn monument is an eighty foot high column erected in 1786 by James Evelyn in memory of his parents Edward and Julia. The renowned architect Sir John Soane designed the column. It originally stood in Felbridge Place on the Surrey-Sussex border in Southern England, until it was bought, dismantled and re-erected in 1927 by Sir Stephen Aitchison. The column was transported from Felbridge by sea, at a cost of £1,470.00 then carried by railway and finally a light electric railway specially constructed for the purpose, to the new site at the hall. On the death of Sir Stephen Aitchison in 1942, his son, Sir William, had the lettering on the column re-cut. It had become damaged and worn due to the weather after its move to Northumberland. After the death of Sir Stephen, the Hall was lent to a Convent of Roman Catholic Nuns." Photo by David Clark, 2009. -
David Clark -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1522366
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 599 times
Picture Taken: 2009-10-05 -
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