Streatlam Castle - blown up by the Army in 1959 was once home to the 10th richest man in England
Northern Echo: 29th November 2017. "ONCE Streatlam Castle was the home of the tenth richest man in England. He filled it with some of his most prized and personal possessions, and he used its parkland to breed some of the finest racehorses of the Victorian era. The castle, though, was blown up by the Army in 1959, and today dotted around the parkland are lots of little bits that hint at once was the home of the founders of the Bowes Museum: there’s an orangery, an archway, a monument to a Derby winner, a collection of now mature exotic trees, a culverted stream...." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 448 times
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