Sweethope shrunken medieval village (Bavington)
"A medieval manor is documented at Sweethope in the 13th century and in the 1296 Lay Subsidy it provided four taxpayers. A survey of 1541 refers to a castle and in the 1666 Hearth Tax six houses are listed. There are few clear traces on the ground of the former settlement, except for a small series of cultivation terraces, croft boundary banks and ridge and furrow cultivation....." -
Keys to the Past (Durham & Northumbria County Councils) -
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Further information
Link: https://keystothepast.info/search-records/results-of-search/results-of-search-2/site-details/?PRN=N9549
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 10 months ago
Viewed: 531 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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