Diocesan Training Home & Refuge For Friendless Girls, Ravensworth Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Northumberland Archives Blog, 10/04/2019 ".....An account in The Newcastle Courant of 10 August 1883 records the establishment of the Society the aims of which included ‘… the rescue of women and children from danger, the assistance of those who are poor and friendless and the reformation of such as have fallen into sin.’ The article goes on to record a gift of £1000 entrusted to Mrs. Wilberforce as president of the Society from ‘a lady in the south of England’. This news is accompanied by an appeal for other charitable souls to donate to the cause. By the time of the first annual meeting of the Society in April 1884 it had occupied 6 Ravensworth Terrace and twelve girls were resident there. Neighbouring properties 7 & 8 were about to be occupied with number 7 to be used as a training home....." -
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Link: https://www.northumberlandarchives.com/2019/04/10/diocesan-training-home-refuge-for-friendless-girls-ravensworth-terrace-newcastle-upon-tyne/
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 10 months ago
Viewed: 490 times
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