Tyne and Wear HER(7604): Pelaw, Shields Road, factory of Robert Howarth Ltd
"This was a CWS cabinet works, later a shirt factory.....A painted sign reads 'CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY SHIRT FACTORY' which would have been visible from the adjacent Brandling Junction Railway line. Inside there is an open-plan factory floor, storage area, workshops, offices and meeting rooms, WCs, a kitchen and canteen.....Gateshead Library has photographs of this factory in 1901 (GL000680 and GL000676). The Tailoring Department made shirts, nightwear, coats, suits, industrial clothing (overalls, boilersuits and pit clothes) and quilts from 1914 (GL000673, GL002452, GL000681). ARCHITECT L G Ekins (CWS, West Blandford St, Newcastle) DATES Plans 1915, erected c1920 LOCAL LIST..." -
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Link: http://twsitelines.info/SMR/7604
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 years, 11 months ago
Viewed: 549 times
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