An empty coal train heads north on the Settle & Carlisle Railway
"The Settle & Carlisle Railway handles much heavy freight, probably more now than it ever did. The flows are mostly coal from the Hunterston terminal in Scotland being carried to power stations in Yorkshire, and Gypsum transported from Drax Power Station to the British Gypsum plant at Kirkby Thore near Appleby. Had the 1970's Settle & Carlisle closure threat been carried through, all of this freight would have to be routed onto the already congested West Coast Main Line. As it is, much infrastructure upgrading has been necessary on the Settle & Carlisle line, and is still continuing. A Network Rail blockade is to be implemented in the Ribblehead area in the summer of 2009 to carry out further infrastructure work." Photo by John Lucas, 2009. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years ago
Viewed: 521 times
Picture Taken: 2009-02-05 -
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