Canoeists' parking at Beck Foot
"There's no river here, but along the verge and round the corner were well over a dozen cars and vans parked, spilling kitted-out paddlers onto the roadside - a typical winter weekend scene. Access agreements are very much a thing of the past now that a statutory right of navigation on rivers has been revealed in unrepealed mediæval laws, but that doesn't mean that canoeists feel any need to ignore the reasonable conditions from former voluntary agreements. The minor road that leads under Lowgill viaduct and down to the is the only way for the farmer to get his tractors and trailers to his land, so congestion from paddlers' cars and trailers would be a real problem. Canoeists park up here half a kilometre from the river to avoid any conflict. Shouldering your boat and walking down is a good warm-up for the trip to follow." Photo by Andy Waddington, 2010. -
Andy Waddington -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years ago
Viewed: 479 times
Picture Taken: 2010-02-07 -
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