Bridge House, Ambleside
Image from page 147 of "A descriptive guide to the English lakes and adjacent mountains : with notices of the botany, mineralogy, and geology of the district" (1843)
Identifier: descriptiveguide00otle Title:">A descriptive guide to the English lakes and adjacent mountains : with notices of the botany, mineralogy, and geology of the district Year:">1843 (">1840s) Authors:">Otley, Jonathan, 1766-1856 Subjects: Publisher:">Keswick : J. Otley Contributing Library:">University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor:">MSN View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: and a half down the valleyis a public-house, formerly the sign of the WoolPack, about 15 miles from Ambleside. On theleft hand, in travelling down the valley, there aretwo remarkable cascades. The first is seen from AMBLESIDE TO ESKDALE AND WASDALE, 109 the road; but the other, which lies beyond thechapel, requires a walk of more than half a mileto view it. From the hamlet of Bout, a dim trackleads over Burnmoor to Wasdale Head; but theroad should be kept nearly to Santon Bridge,when it turns off to the right, to the Strands atNether Wasdale; where th^re are two public-houses. After seeing Wast Water, parties onhorseback may go over Styhead, and throughBorrowdale, to Keswick; with a cart, it will benecessary to go by Gosforth to Calder Bridge;from thence by Ennerdale Bridge and Lamplughto Scale Hill, and thence either by Buttermere orLorton to Keswick. Sometimes this excursionhas been varied, by returning from Wasdale, byUlpha, to Broughton, and thence by Coniston toAmbleside. Wm$M!^ Text Appearing After Image: BRIDGE HOUSE, AMDLK-ilUi:. ( no ) AMBLESIDE TO KESWICK. UILES. MILES. U Rydal U 3 Grasmere Inn 4:^ 4 Nags Head, Wythburn sl 2h Kings Head .. U 6 Keswick 17 The route from Ambleside to Keswick liesthrough the midst of lake and mountain scenery.At one mile from Ambleside, a road crossing Pel-ter Bridge, on the left, leads to Langdale, orround Loughri^g Fell. To the rio^ht, amongancient oaks, stands Rydal Hall, the patrimonialresidence of Lady le Fleming, who has built andendowed a neat chapel in the village. Above thechapel is Rydal Mount, the residence of the poetWordsworth; and beyond the hall, the RydalWaterfalls. The next object is Rydal Water, withthe heronry upon one of its islands; and a littlefurther, the extensive slate quarry of Whitemoss.The road is then conducted to the margin ofGrasmere Water, and gives a good view of thatadmired vale. At the further end of which, be-tween the branches of Easdale and Greenburn,stands Helm Crag, distinguished, not so much byits height, as by Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 473 times
Picture Taken: 1843-01-01T00:00:00 -
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