Topics > Northumberland > Lynemouth > Lynemouth School
Lynemouth School
The William Leech Campus of Bishop's School is located on Church Square in Lynemouth. It is one of 5 primary campuses in Bishop's School, which is part of the Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust. The first school in the village was Lynemouth Council School, which opened on the 3rd of May 1926.[1] Mr Herron, who had previously taught at Ellington School for 22 years, was transferred to the new school as Headmaster, with 14 staff in the school.[2]

William Leech Campus
- "Our Campus is situated in the village of Lynemouth, three miles north east of Ashington. Spread over two buildings, children attend our 2 year old and Nursery provision in the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Twitter - William Leech Campus
- Twitter feed of William Leech Campus
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://www.get-information-s…
NCEA Bishop's Primary School
- nb. this is a multi campus school. The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

William Leech Campus
- "Our Campus is situated in the village of Lynemouth, three miles north east of Ashington. Spread over two buildings, children attend our 2 year old and Nursery provision in the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Twitter - William Leech Campus
- Twitter feed of William Leech Campus
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://www.get-information-s…
NCEA Bishop's Primary School
- nb. this is a multi campus school. The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
Added by
Simon Cotterill