Topics > County Durham > Kirk Merrington > Kirk Merrington Primary School

Kirk Merrington Primary School

Kirk Merrington Primary School is located on South View in Kirk Merrington, County Durham. The school has about 140 pupils aged 4 to 11. The current school building opened for teaching on the 15th of April 2013, replacing a wooden school building which had been constructed in 1925.[1] There had been an earlier school in the village; this is now used as the Community Centre. When the current building was being constructed archaeological investigations found evidence of Medieval activity and also a Second World War air raid shelter on the site.[2]

Kirk Merrington Primary School
from https://www.kirkmerrington.du…
Kirk Merrington Primary School
- Official Website of Kirk Merrington Primary School.

Added by
Pat Thomson
Facebook - Kirk Merrington Primary School
- Facebook pages of Kirk Merrington Primary School

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Pat Thomson
Archaeological investigations at Kirk Merrington Primary School, County Durham
- Gav Robson, Durham Archaeological Journal, 2015. "Evidence of medieval activity and the remains of a Second World War air-raid shelter were discovered during archaeological investigations associated with the construction of …

Added by
Pat Thomson
from https://www.thenorthernecho.c…
New village school replaces temporary building built 88-years ago
- Northern Echo, 17th April 2013. "...A TEMPORARY primary school built almost a century ago where pupils once carried gas masks in case of a German air raid has been replaced …

Added by
Pat Thomson
from Geograph (geograph)
Community Centre, Kirk Merrington

Pinned by Pat Thomson
from https://get-information-schoo…
Kirk Merrington Primary School
- The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.

Added by
Pat Thomson
from /original-no-longer-available/
Kirk Merrington Primary School - old building
- The old school building in 2010 (replaced by the current school building in 2013). This wooden building was originally built in 1925.

Added by
Simon Cotterill


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School URN: 114074
County: County Durham
Post code: DL16 7JB


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