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- Timelines in Co-Curate
About Co-Curate
Timelines in Co-Curate
Timelines provide an interesting and visual way of displaying chronological information. Co-Curate now enables you to create collaborative and interactive timelines, in which you can embed photographs and videos from a collection of over 50,000 resources, relating to the North East of England. This is a new feature currently being evaluated.
- Timelines are attached to topics (such as places or themes). You can start a new topic (requires login).
- The timelines are public, but you need to login to add and edit timeline events.
- When you start a timeline, others can add events to it, but only you can edit the events which you create.
- The content you add should relate to the North East of England in some way, and must not be offensive or indecent.
Adding an Event to the Timeline
After finding the relevant topic, view the Timeline (see above) then select 'Add Event':
Searching for an Image or Video to add to your event
Hint: if there is no relevant image search for "filler" and select a generic image. You can't save an event without an image :(
Editing your Events
The addition of timelines to Co-Curate NE and their piloting is being funded by the Catherine Cookson Foundation; the original Co-Curate project was funded by the AHRC. Timeline JS, by Knight Labs, is being used to display the timelines. Co-Curate brings together content related to the North East of England from museums, libraries, a range of public sources. Further information and sources.