Topics > Civil Parishes in Cumbria > Culgaith Civil Parish > Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony
Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony
"Strip lynchets provide distinctive indications of medieval cultivation, representing a means to increase the land available for cultivation by the construction of terraces on steep slopes. The fields thus formed were used as a part of the strip tenurial system of medieval land division.....The monument includes the remains of a series of medieval lynchets and a building platform, situated on a hillock next to Ran Beck. The lynchets, or cultivation terraces, lie on the breast of the hillock overlooking the beck and are laid out with two terraces, fanning out into four terraces and then returning to two terraces again. Ramps between terraces are preserved as earthworks, there is also an unenclosed spring known as Mark Anthony’s Well at the west end of the site and on the top of the hillock are the foundations of a circular building and a revetted bank." (Historic England)

from Geograph (geograph)
Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony, Ranbeck, Kirkland, Culgaith CP
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony - Ranbeck - List `Entry
- "....The monument includes the remains of a series of medieval lynchets and a building platform, situated on a hillock next to Ran Beck. The lynchets, or cultivation terraces, lie on …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony, Ranbeck, Kirkland, Culgaith CP
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony - Ranbeck - List `Entry
- "....The monument includes the remains of a series of medieval lynchets and a building platform, situated on a hillock next to Ran Beck. The lynchets, or cultivation terraces, lie on …
Added by
Simon Cotterill