Topics > Northumberland > Shotleyfield > Hammer Mill, near Shotleyfield
Hammer Mill, near Shotleyfield
Hammer Mill is located south-east of Shotleyfield, on Hammermill Lane, by Shotleyfield Burn. The building currently here appears to be 19th Century (though possibly older) and has been extended when compared to old photographs. However, the name is associted with a more ancient forge or iron mill documented in 1703 and likely much older. Hammer Mill was described as being in ruins in the mid-19th century.
[Shotley] parish also contains iron; and from the numerous heaps of the refuse of smelting in various places, the remains of furnaces near Allensford, the ruins of the Hammer mill upon Shotley burn, and the forge near the Derwent, it would appear that iron was at one time wrought to some extent.
Extract from: A Topographical Dictionary of England comprising the several counties, cities, boroughs, corporate and market towns, parishes, and townships..... 7th Edition, by Samuel Lewis, London, 1848.
Articles of agreement indented and made concluded and agreed upon this Twenty Seventh day of April in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Three between Henry Wooper; John Wooper; Peter Tiegarden; Adam Olligh and Wm. Schafe; swordblade makers residing at Shotley Bridge in the County of Durham of the one part and the Governor and Company for making Hollow Sword Blades…. H.W, J.W., P.T., A.O. & W.S. shall have the use of the Hammer Mill for the making of sword blades at such days and times as shall be necessary during the said term for forging such sword blades as they shall make as aforesaid for the said Governor and Company.
Extract from: 1703 Contract - transcribed in The Sword in the Hat. Shotley Bridge and the bushy tailed Fox., Keith Fisher, 2020.

Hammer Mill, Shotley Bridge
- Irene Grierson, Pintrest. "Courtesy of Peter Horsman - Co Durham in old pictures - Facebook".
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Hammer Mill, Shotley Bridge
- Irene Grierson, Pintrest. "Courtesy of Peter Horsman - Co Durham in old pictures - Facebook".
Added by
Simon Cotterill