Topics > Tyne and Wear > Gateshead > Felling > Friar's Goose Pumping Station

Tyne and Wear HER(1012): Felling, Friar's Goose Pumping Station
- "The fragmentary remains of a beam pumping engine house on the site of a series of engines built to drain the Tyne Coal Basin. Massively constructed beam-wall survives showing the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
Friar's Goose
- Overview Map Street View Friars Goose is an area of Felling, located by the south banks of the River Tyne. It's name derives from the 11th century, when local Roman Catholic …

Friar’s Goose Pumping Station
- "This piece of Gateshead’s industrial history was engineered by Robert Stephenson, which makes it baffling that it has not been a candidate for preservation. The pumping station’s job was essentially …
Added by
Peter Smith

Tyne and Wear HER(1012): Felling, Friar's Goose Pumping Station
- "The fragmentary remains of a beam pumping engine house on the site of a series of engines built to drain the Tyne Coal Basin. Massively constructed beam-wall survives showing the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
Friar's Goose
- Overview Map Street View Friars Goose is an area of Felling, located by the south banks of the River Tyne. It's name derives from the 11th century, when local Roman Catholic …

Friar’s Goose Pumping Station
- "This piece of Gateshead’s industrial history was engineered by Robert Stephenson, which makes it baffling that it has not been a candidate for preservation. The pumping station’s job was essentially …
Added by
Peter Smith