Topics > County Durham > Deaf Hill > Deaf Hill Primary School

Deaf Hill Primary and Nursery School
- Official website of Deaf Hill Primary and Nursery School.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://get-information-schoo…
Deaf Hill Primary School
- The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Facebook - Friends Of Deaf Hill School
- "Friends of Deaf Hill School is a group of parents, governors and members of the community who work together to raise funds to support Deaf Hill Primary"
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from http://discovery.nationalarch…
Deaf Hill Primary School
- log books, admission registers for 1912 - 1991
held by: Durham County Record Office
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Deaf Hill Primary and Nursery School
- Official website of Deaf Hill Primary and Nursery School.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://get-information-schoo…
Deaf Hill Primary School
- The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Facebook - Friends Of Deaf Hill School
- "Friends of Deaf Hill School is a group of parents, governors and members of the community who work together to raise funds to support Deaf Hill Primary"
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from http://discovery.nationalarch…
Deaf Hill Primary School
- log books, admission registers for 1912 - 1991
held by: Durham County Record Office
Added by
Simon Cotterill