Topics > County Durham > Brusselton > Brusselton Incline
Brusselton Incline
The Brusselton Incline was part of the route of the Stockton and Darlington Railway.

from https://brusseltoninclinegrou…
Brusselton Incline Group
- "Our group has been established to save, preserve and promote the route of the 1825 Stockton & Darlington Railway from Brusselton to West Auckland, including restoring the listed ancient monuments …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Plan incliné machine stationnaire Brusselton (Minard, 1834)
- Diagram from "Charles Joseph Minard, "Leçons faites sur les chemins de fer à l'école des Ponts & Chaussées en 1833-1834", 1834, Paris, Carillan-Goeuvry libraire." Image c/o Wikimedia Commons available under …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://brusseltoninclinegrou…
Brusselton Incline Group
- "Our group has been established to save, preserve and promote the route of the 1825 Stockton & Darlington Railway from Brusselton to West Auckland, including restoring the listed ancient monuments …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Plan incliné machine stationnaire Brusselton (Minard, 1834)
- Diagram from "Charles Joseph Minard, "Leçons faites sur les chemins de fer à l'école des Ponts & Chaussées en 1833-1834", 1834, Paris, Carillan-Goeuvry libraire." Image c/o Wikimedia Commons available under …
Added by
Simon Cotterill