Topics > Tyne and Wear > Newcastle upon Tyne > Benwell > Benwell at War
Benwell at War
During the First World War the Illustrated Chronicle published photographs of soldiers and sailors from Newcastle and the North East of England. These have been made available by Newcastle Libraries.

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Alfred Harrison, Benwell, Stoker, lost on Bulwark
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
H Thompson - Northern Div RE - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
HH Armstrong, New Benwell, interned in Holland
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Victor Kirsopp - 14th DLI - Benwell, late of Annfield Plain (Killed)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
C Preece - Tyneside Scottish - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
WA Young - 2nd NF - Benwell (Prisoner of war)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Victor Hobson - RND - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
JB McEwan - 3rd NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
A Grant - 18th NF - Benwell (Wounded and Missing)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Ben Forrest - 14th DLI - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Gibson - 50th RFA - Benwell (Died at the Front)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Lee - 12th NF - South Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
JW Burton - 12th DLI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Robert Tait - 6th NF - Benwell (In Hospital)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Fender - RND - Benwell (In Hospital)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
William Musgrove - 13th NF - Benwell (Died of Wounds)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
John Goffin - 13th NF - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Ben Forrest - 14th DLI - Benwell (Killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Frank Dunlavey - 2nd NF - Benwell (Killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
J Phelps - 9th NF - Benwell (In Hospital)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Henry Davis - 14th Hussars - Benwell (Died of Wounds)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
W Andrews - 2nd Border Regt - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
JC Robertson - 12th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
William Percy - 15th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
John Hunter - 10th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
George Harding - NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
T Ramshaw - 8th Somerset LI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
S Mossman - 8th Somerset LI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
R Clayton - 8th Somerset LI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
J McDonald - 11th HLI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
F Atkinson - 14th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Convery - 8th NF - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Samuel Bell - 8th NF - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
E McNestry - 1st Border Regt - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Turnbull - 8th NF - Benwell (Died of wounds)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Lce-Corpl T Newton - 6th E York - Benwell (missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte S Herbert - 8th N.F. - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Corpl Joseph Dargue - 4th N.F. - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. Joseph Bell - 2nd D.L.I - Benwell (killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Charles Olsen - RND - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
John Savage - 3rd NF - Wallsend and Benwell
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Joseph Coxon - 1st NF - Benwell (Killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
W Armstrong - 6th NF - South Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
R Simpson - 6th or 8th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Dixon - 4th NF - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
George Atkinson - 6th NF - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Joseph Bell - 2nd DLI - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
C Moorhouse - Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regt - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Sergeant Bilcliffe - 1st Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
W. E. Riches - D.L.I. - Benwell - (Wounded)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Elsender, J A - R.N.V.R - Benwell - In hospital
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
T. Cole - Tyneside Scottish - Benwell - (Killed)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Maughan, T - 4th N.F - Benwell - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Kolby, D W - 4th Dragoons - Benwell - Killed
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Harrison, J W - T.S - Benwell - Died of wounds
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Hugall, Thomas - R.E - Benwell - Accidentally killed
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Whitfield, H - Scots Guards - Benwell - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Strong, W J - 7th Border Regt - Benwell - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thompson, J E - 9th N.F - Benwell - In hospital
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. S. Willis - MGC - Benwell - Killed
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. S. DAVIS, N.F., West Benwell, (Wounded 2nd time).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. K. GRAHAM, D.L.I., Benwell, (Died of Wounds).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. C. STIRZAKER, West Ridings, Benwell, (Killed).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. L. BATEY, Benwell, (Awarded Military Medal).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. F. CONNOLLY, N.F., Benwell, (Killed).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. G. RALPH, N.F., Benwell, (Missing).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
L-Cpl. A. Haveron - R.E. - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Simpson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Sergt. Batey - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. D McDermott - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. M Mulcahy - Australians - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J W Jackson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. H V Rainey - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. E Jackson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Stoker J Anderson - Royal Navy - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Brewer - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. R Shanks - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. P Carney - Royal Scots Regt. - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. A Redpath - Northumberland Fusiliers - West Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J Stanger - Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W S Nicholson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Corpl. J W Redpath - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. G Dodd - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Brewer - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J Shanley - Northumberland Fusiliers - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J W Proud - Northumberland Fusiliers - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. R Shanks - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. P Carney - Royal Scots - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Sergt. J S Carr - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Q.M.-Sgt. A Burton - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. P Shevill - Coldstreams - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. G Harding - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. S Proud - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. Norman Ross - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. Ben Pitt - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. E Kitchen - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. T Nichol - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. M Newman - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J Burdridge - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Williamson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
2nd Lieut. A Hepworth - Tanks Corps - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Alfred Harrison, Benwell, Stoker, lost on Bulwark
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
H Thompson - Northern Div RE - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
HH Armstrong, New Benwell, interned in Holland
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Victor Kirsopp - 14th DLI - Benwell, late of Annfield Plain (Killed)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
C Preece - Tyneside Scottish - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
WA Young - 2nd NF - Benwell (Prisoner of war)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Victor Hobson - RND - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
JB McEwan - 3rd NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
A Grant - 18th NF - Benwell (Wounded and Missing)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Ben Forrest - 14th DLI - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Gibson - 50th RFA - Benwell (Died at the Front)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Lee - 12th NF - South Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
JW Burton - 12th DLI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Robert Tait - 6th NF - Benwell (In Hospital)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Fender - RND - Benwell (In Hospital)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
William Musgrove - 13th NF - Benwell (Died of Wounds)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
John Goffin - 13th NF - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Ben Forrest - 14th DLI - Benwell (Killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Frank Dunlavey - 2nd NF - Benwell (Killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
J Phelps - 9th NF - Benwell (In Hospital)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Henry Davis - 14th Hussars - Benwell (Died of Wounds)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
W Andrews - 2nd Border Regt - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
JC Robertson - 12th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
William Percy - 15th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
John Hunter - 10th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
George Harding - NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
T Ramshaw - 8th Somerset LI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
S Mossman - 8th Somerset LI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
R Clayton - 8th Somerset LI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
J McDonald - 11th HLI - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
F Atkinson - 14th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Convery - 8th NF - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Samuel Bell - 8th NF - Benwell (Missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
E McNestry - 1st Border Regt - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Turnbull - 8th NF - Benwell (Died of wounds)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Lce-Corpl T Newton - 6th E York - Benwell (missing)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte S Herbert - 8th N.F. - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Corpl Joseph Dargue - 4th N.F. - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. Joseph Bell - 2nd D.L.I - Benwell (killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Charles Olsen - RND - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
John Savage - 3rd NF - Wallsend and Benwell
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Joseph Coxon - 1st NF - Benwell (Killed)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
W Armstrong - 6th NF - South Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
R Simpson - 6th or 8th NF - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thomas Dixon - 4th NF - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
George Atkinson - 6th NF - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Joseph Bell - 2nd DLI - Benwell (wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
C Moorhouse - Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regt - Benwell (Wounded)
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Sergeant Bilcliffe - 1st Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Co-Curate Team

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
W. E. Riches - D.L.I. - Benwell - (Wounded)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Elsender, J A - R.N.V.R - Benwell - In hospital
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
T. Cole - Tyneside Scottish - Benwell - (Killed)
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Maughan, T - 4th N.F - Benwell - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Kolby, D W - 4th Dragoons - Benwell - Killed
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Harrison, J W - T.S - Benwell - Died of wounds
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Hugall, Thomas - R.E - Benwell - Accidentally killed
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Whitfield, H - Scots Guards - Benwell - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Strong, W J - 7th Border Regt - Benwell - Wounded
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Thompson, J E - 9th N.F - Benwell - In hospital
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. S. Willis - MGC - Benwell - Killed
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. S. DAVIS, N.F., West Benwell, (Wounded 2nd time).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. K. GRAHAM, D.L.I., Benwell, (Died of Wounds).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. C. STIRZAKER, West Ridings, Benwell, (Killed).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. L. BATEY, Benwell, (Awarded Military Medal).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. F. CONNOLLY, N.F., Benwell, (Killed).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. G. RALPH, N.F., Benwell, (Missing).
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
L-Cpl. A. Haveron - R.E. - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Simpson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Sergt. Batey - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. D McDermott - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. M Mulcahy - Australians - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J W Jackson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. H V Rainey - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. E Jackson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Stoker J Anderson - Royal Navy - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Brewer - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. R Shanks - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. P Carney - Royal Scots Regt. - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. A Redpath - Northumberland Fusiliers - West Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J Stanger - Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W S Nicholson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Corpl. J W Redpath - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. G Dodd - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Brewer - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J Shanley - Northumberland Fusiliers - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J W Proud - Northumberland Fusiliers - Old Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. R Shanks - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. P Carney - Royal Scots - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Sergt. J S Carr - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Q.M.-Sgt. A Burton - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. P Shevill - Coldstreams - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. G Harding - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. S Proud - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. Norman Ross - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. Ben Pitt - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. E Kitchen - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. T Nichol - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. M Newman - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. J Burdridge - Northumberland Fusiliers - South Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
Pte. W Williamson - Northumberland Fusiliers - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from IllustratedChronicles (flickr)
2nd Lieut. A Hepworth - Tanks Corps - Benwell
Pinned by Simon Cotterill