Course of former Solway Junction Railway at Bromfield, 1952
"Until 13/2/33 there had been a station here, albeit closed to passengers since 20/5/1921. The view is northward on the section between Brayton, on the Maryport & Carlisle Railway and Abbey Junction, on the North British Railway. It was a section of the Caledonian Railway's Solway Junction line, reopened for goods and excursions 5/22 - 2/33. Until 1921 the Solway Junction had come to Kirkbride Junction on the NBR after crossing by the Solway Viaduct from Annan on the Glasgow & South Western Railway, and Kirtlebridge on the Caledonian Railway's main line." Photo by Walter Dendy, deceased, 1952. -
Walter Dendy, deceased -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 5 months ago
Viewed: 568 times
Picture Taken: 1952-04-20 -
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