Walworth Castle Hotel
"Dating from 1189 by the "Handsome" Hansard family the name Walworth comes from the Anglo-Saxon Waleberge, meaning a settlement of the old Celtic people (from which also derives Wales) who were driven westward by the pressure of Anglo-Saxon settlement. During the Second World War the Castle was requisitioned by the Durham Light Infantry where it was used for high ranking German and Italian prisoner of war officers. In 1950 the Castle was sold to Durham County Council for a residential girls school. It became an hotel in 1981." Photo by Mick Garratt, 2005. -
Mick Garratt -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/75433
Resource type: Image
Added by: Peter Smith
Last modified: 6 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 683 times
Picture Taken: 2005-11-06 -
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