Construction of 'The Word', Market Place, South Shields
"Building under construction at the junction of Ferry Street and Church Way. The Word will be the North East Centre for the Written Word, a cultural attraction, library and digital hub, celebrating the written word in all its forms. The planned completion date is Autumn 2016. The building is seen as the focal point for ‘South Shields 365’, a decade-long, £100 million vision to transform the town centre including a new cinema and restaurants, a transport interchange and a new retail quarter. The work is being carried out alongside the ongoing modernisation of the nearby Market Place, which is being covered by a canopy to protect traders and shoppers from inclement weather. Follow the redevelopment of the site and demolition of the former building, the dreary 1960s Wouldhave House, on SkyscraperCity" Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2015. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 10 months ago
Viewed: 693 times
Picture Taken: 2015-11-27 -
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