The Haabet, a Baltic Trader built in 1914 in Demark
"The Blyth Tall Ship project is refitting the ship, and intends to repeat William Smith's voyage to celebrate the Bicentenary of his discovery of Antarctica. On 19 February 1819 he spotted the new land at 62° south latitude and 60° west longitude, but did not land on it. The naval authorities did not believe his discovery, but on a subsequent trip on 16 October he landed on the largest of the islands. He named the island King George Island and the archipelago South Shetland Islands in honour of the Shetland Islands. At the beginning of the following year, 1820, the Williams was chartered by the Royal Navy, and dispatched with Smith and Lieutenant Edward Bransfield on board to survey the newly discovered islands, discovering also the Antarctic Peninsula in the process." Photo by Russel Wills, 2016. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 11 months ago
Viewed: 519 times
Picture Taken: 2016-02-22 -
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