That Was the Year That Was - 2000

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    Billions of people around the world welcomed in the New Millennium with some of the most spectacular celebrations ever seen. 2000 - The Tate Modern opens in London. Concorde Air France Flight 4590 crashes just after takeoff from Paris killing all 109 aboard and 5 on the ground. The UK fuel protests take place, with refineries blockaded, and supply to the country's network of petrol stations halted. The use of mobile phones continues to grow as mobile phones move from the percieved "Yuppie Device" to an essential consumer product. The UK is hit by one of the worst snow storms in the last 50 years bringing public transport to a halt. Mad Cow Disease causes alarm in Europe due to it's growth. The Summer Olympics are held in Sydney Australia. The Concerns over Y2K passes without the serious, widespread computer failures and malfunctions that had been predicted. Microsoft releases Windows 2000. AOL and Time Warner Merge. The popular show Big Brother is broadcast and captures worldwide media interest. The Latest Harry Potter Book Is Published "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". 51 million viewers watch the first season finale of the reality show "Survivor". The last of the original Mini's rolls off the production lines. Sony Playstation 2 is released. Our vision of the future is always changing. In the year 1910, we imagined that the year 2000 would be filled with airships and multi-armed robotic helpers. In the 1960s, manned trips to Mars seemed in our grasp. Early ideas about the Internet were sharpened and refined, and we saw nuclear technology and plastics change our lives, but in different ways than we predicted. How the UK coped with the millennium bug 15 years ago In the final months of 1999 concern grew into panic that the millennium bug was going to cause computers to malfunction and potentially endanger everything from tills to power stations. It didn't happen quite like that, but the public safety warnings from the time remain intriguing. The eight-page pullout that Action 2000 placed in British newspapers in 1999 is a snapshot of the technology in a home at the time. The government-backed advice booklet warns what to do about video recorders, answer phones and fax machines. The illustrations are of cathode ray tube computer monitors. The bug had first been predicted years before. An article in Computer World magazine in 1993 was one of the first to attempt to bring it to a wider audience. "Have you ever been in a car crash?" the article asked. "Unfortunately, unlike the car crash, time will not slow down for us. If anything, we're accelerating toward disaster." The bug was about the limitations of the clocks inside computers. Since the 1960s computers denoted years such as 1998 as 98 to save memory. As a result, when the new millennium arrived, it was expected many computer clocks would see 00 and understand that to mean 1900. "All of a sudden your business logic wouldn't work," says Ross Anderson, professor of security engineering at Cambridge University, of the threat. "The time of an invoice, delivery, transaction or any of the other 101 processes a business has is thrown completely off". In 1993, a newsletter called "Tick, Tick, Tick" ran a "worst-case scenario contest" which sought "the most creative ideas of what could happen on 01/01/2000". Many governments took precautions and in the UK and elsewhere they went further than just concentrating on business and key infrastructure - ordinary homeowners were drawn in too. In the UK Action 2000 was set up to warn and to prepare. Electronic machines needed to be "year 2000 compliant". "Your business is in danger" a leaflet stated in large yellow letters. But the message was still restrained - "the very worst that can happen is that some (computers) may get confused over the date". Its millennium bug "home check" pullout sought to explain. "Check your PC with our simple 5-layer Bug Test," it said. But it was also an attempt to dispel myths. "Very few household appliances are affected," it explained. "Lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, rotovators, barbeques (and) swimming pool equipment" are confirmed as safe. In the popular memory, the millennium bug was something that failed to come to pass. Most forget that there were consequences. In the UK, the bug was blamed for more than 150 pregnant women getting incorrect results for tests for Down's Syndrome. And while the wilder predictions in the media did not come to pass, those who worked on informing the public feel they acted sensibly and proportionately at the time. "We achieved our aim," says Gwynneth Flower, who was the managing director of Action 2000. "There were a few eccentrics. One woman virtually moved her whole family to a remote house in Scotland, with water only from a well at the bottom of the garden, because she thought it would be Armageddon." Traditional advertising was used, but also lectures in schools. We "explained it to them so they go and tell mummy and daddy, and ask what they were doing to prepare". Take-up in some areas was slow. Even within the government. In 1999 a report from the National Audit Office warned that there was a "wide variation in progress" by local authorities. Some found the preparations excessive. "It was an astonishing incident," says Anthony Finkelstein, professor of software systems engineering at UCL. But its implications were described by Tony Blair at the time as "one of the most serious problems facing not only British business but the global economy today". Margaret Beckett, then the minister in charge of millennium preparations, said the bug had the capacity to "wreak havoc". "I think there was a lot of hyperbole in the press. Part of our job was to keep on top of the hype" says Paddy Tipping, then minister for the millennium bug. "We had to downplay it and persuade people there was a strong government initiative working. Many people made their names saying it would be a catastrophe." But Finkelstein says it was political. "The cost of political overreaction is smaller than underreaction. It was a confluence of politics, commercial money, journalists who had a story too good to check and local interest." 2000: Spring freeze brings chaos Severe weather has forced the closure of one of Britain's main airports, Luton, near London, as blizzards and flooding have caused widespread chaos. More than two weeks into British Summer Time, much of the country has been experiencing its coldest April day on record. Large swathes of countryside were blanketed in snow, bringing traffic to a standstill and paralysing transport systems. The blast of icy weather comes just a month after weather meteorologists pronounced this winter the sunniest this century, with a daily average in England and Wales of two-and-a-half hours of sunshine a day. Concorde crash kills 113 Concorde crashed just minutes after take-off, killing all 109 people on board and four people on the ground. The Air France jet, bound for New York, crashed into a Relais Bleu hotel in the town of Gonesse, 10 miles north of Paris just before 1700 local time (1500 GMT). It is understood the aircraft, which had taken off from Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport just two minutes earlier, plummeted to the ground after one of the left-hand engines caught fire on take-off. There were 100 passengers on board, most were German tourists but also included two Danes, an Austrian and an American, all travelling to JFK airport in New York where they were due to join a cruise ship bound for Equador. M25 killer A man who carried out a "road rage" killing is beginning a life sentence after being convicted of murder at the Old Bailey in London. Kenneth Noye, 52, stabbed Stephen Cameron in the heart and liver as they fought on a slip road alongside the M25 motorway in 1996. Noye had been angered by the driving of Mr Cameron's girlfriend, Danielle Cable, who had cut into the lane ahead of his Landrover. When the vehicles came to a halt he got out and confronted Mr Cameron who died at the scene in the arms of Ms Cable. After the killing Noye fled to the Costa del Sol in Spain where he was arrested in 1998 by British police. Described by police as a "professional criminal", Noye had already been acquitted after a trial for stabbing an undercover policeman to death. However, he served a 14-year jail term for handling proceeds from the UK's biggest robbery, the Brinks Mat bullion heist. After Noye's arrest Danielle Cable was given a new identity and 24-hour police guard and moved to another part of Britain. Police believed as the main prosecution witness and the person who identified Noye in Spain, she might be targeted by his underworld associates. Another eye-witness, Alan Decabral, testified against Noye in spite of threats on his life. Mr Decabral was shot dead in August 2000 - Noye was questioned in connection with the murder but no charges were brought against him. In October 2001 Kenneth Noye's appeal was rejected and in March 2004 failed in his High Court attempt to challenge his mandatory life sentence. Sarah Payne's body found Police have confirmed the body they found in a West Sussex field yesterday is that of missing eight-year old Sarah Payne. A farm worker found the human remains less than 12 miles from where Sarah went missing near her grandparents' home near Littlehampton on 1 July. The partly covered body was lying 10 yards away from the A29 between Pulborough and Billingshurst. Sarah's parents, Sara and Michael, spent 20 minutes at the scene and laid flowers there. They looked at the tributes left by hundreds of well-wishers and police. Two days later police found what they believed to be one of Sarah's shoes in the village of Coolham, a few miles to the east of where the body was found. On 31 July, Roy Whiting - a known paedophile - was arrested then released on bail. He had already been questioned and released on 2 July. Whiting was arrested and charged with the murder on 6 February 2001. On 12 December 2001 he was found guilty of abducting and murdering Sarah Payne and given a life sentence. In 1995 Whiting had been given a four year sentence for attacking a nine-year-old girl. The News of the World supported Sara and Michael Payne in their campaign for "Sarah's Law" and public access to the sex offenders' register. Pressure for a so-called Sarah's Law has been maintained. But the government has resisted calls saying there would be a risk of the public taking the law into their own hands. The Krays Charlie Kray, one of the infamous Kray brothers, dies in hospital of the Isle of Wight after suffering a heart attack in Parkhurst Prison. He was 73 years old. 26 August – Gangster and murderer Reggie Kray, in the 32nd year of his life sentence at Broadmoor Hospital, is released from prison on compassionate grounds by Home Secretary Jack Straw due to bladder cancer from which he is expected to die within weeks. 1 October – Reggie Kray dies of cancer in a Norwich hotel at the age of 66. Kray was jailed for life in 1969 alongisde his brother, Ronald 'Ronnie' Kray, for the murder of their friend Jack 'the Hat' McVitie at a flat in Stoke Newington. Ronnie Kray died in prison in 1995. He was serving a life sentence for the murder of George Cornell when he suffered a heart attack. In 2000, Reggie, whose real name was Reginald, was released from prison on compassionate grounds after being diagnosed with cancer. He took up a room in Beefeater Town House Hotel in Norwich after being discharged from the Norwich Hospital. On October 1, with his wife Roberta at his bedside, he died peacefully in his sleep. Considered the softer of the two twins, Reggie married twice in his life. His first wife, Frances Kray, died in 1967. While some claimed the young bride killed herself, others suggested Reggie's twin, Ronnie, had a hand in her death. Fuel protesters rally for tax cut Convoys of lorries and tractors have converged on the capitals of England and Scotland to mark the 60-day deadline for government action to cut fuel tax. Both demonstrations passed off peacefully. The biggest was in London where protesters rallied in Hyde Park. About 350 vehicles were stopped by police from entering the centre of the city. Drivers parked their vehicles on the hard shoulder of the Westway on the outskirts of central London before making their way on foot to the demonstration. In Edinburgh, about 150 vehicles from as far away as John O'Groats converged on Princes Street in the city centre. However, a spokesman for Prime Minister Tony Blair reiterated the government would not back down on fuel tax. He said: "We have acknowledged repeatedly that the price of petrol is high and this causes particular problems, for example, for people in rural communities. "We have done what we can, but to do more would be to start to jeopardise the extra investment the government is putting into public services." Fuel tax activists have warned they will take action again next year if the government does not meet their demands. 2000 Timeline Japanese carmaker Nissan adds a third model to its factory near Sunderland; the new version of the Almera hatchback and slaoon, which goes on sale in March. 1 January – Millennium celebrations take place throughout the UK. The Millennium Dome is officially opened by the Queen. 3 January – Thames Valley Police speak of their belief that the Cézanne painting stolen from Oxford's Ashmolean Museum on New Year's Eve was taken by professional thieves. 4 January – Catherine Hartley and Fiona Thornewill become the first British women to reach the South Pole. The flu outbreak in Britain puts pressure on NHS. 10 January - The Prime Minister's wife, Cherie Blair, is fined for not having a valid train ticket with her during her journey from Blackfriars to Luton station. She claimed only to have Portuguese currency with her at the time and couldn't find a machine where she could use her credit card. 11 January – A Scottish trawler, the Solway Harvester, sinks in the Irish Sea, killing seven sailors. 12 January - It is announced that former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet, is to be sent home after the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, accepted "unequivocal and unanimous" medical evidence that Pinochet is unfit to stand trial in Spain on charges of torture. 22 January – The Rugby league 2000 World Club Challenge is won by Melbourne Storm who defeat St Helens 44 – 6 at the JJB Stadium. 31 January – Dr. Harold Shipman in sentenced to life imprisonment after being found guilty of murdering 15 patients in Greater Manchester between 1995 and 1998. He is also sentenced to four years in prison, to run concurrently, for forging the will of one of his victims. Waterhouse report into the Wales child abuse scandal published. 11 February - The Royal Bank of Scotland succeeds in the hostile takeover battle for its larger English rival, NatWest Bank, successfully defeating a rival offer by the Bank of Scotland. Northern Ireland Assembly is suspended. 28 February – The chief of British Nuclear Fuels resigns over a safety scandal at Sellafield. 2 March – The UK returns Augusto Pinochet to Chile to face trial. 14 March – All stores of furniture retailer World of Leather and its parent Uno plc close. 15 March – BMW announces plans to sell the Rover Group, with London-based Alchemy consortium emerging as favourites for a takeover. 25 March – David Trimble wins the leadership election of the Ulster Unionist Party. 31 March – Myra Hindley, who has spent 34 years in prison for her part in the Moors Murders, loses a third High Court appeal against a Home Office ruling that her life sentence should mean life. April – The Ministry of Defence publishes a booklet Soldiering – The Military Covenant which introduces the term into public discourse referring to the mutual obligations between the nation and its armed forces. 1 April - An Enigma machine is stolen from Bletchley Park Museum. Section 27 of the Access to Justice Act 1999 comes into force allowing recovery of fees from the losing party in civil actions, extending the availability of conditional fee arrangements. 3 April – The Immigration and Asylum Act means that all asylum seekers in England and Wales will now receive vouchers to cover the cost of food and clothes. 4 April – Charlie Kray, one of the infamous Kray brothers, dies in hospital of the Isle of Wight after suffering a heart attack in Parkhurst Prison. He was 73 years old. 12 April – The Royal Ulster Constabulary is presented with the George Cross by The Queen. 14 April – Kenneth Noye, the so-called "M25 killer", sentenced to life imprisonment. 19 April – Tony Martin is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a 16-year-old burglar he shot dead at his Norfolk farmhouse eight months ago. He is also convicted of the attempted murder of Brendon Fearon, the burglar who was wounded when Martin opened fire and killed Fred Barras. 29 April – At Murrayfield Stadium, the 2000 Challenge Cup rugby league tournament culminates in the Bradford Bulls' 24 – 18 win in the final against the Leeds Rhinos. 1 May – May Day riot in central London by anti-capitalist protestors. The statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, and the Cenotaph in Whitehall are daubed with graffiti. 3 May – The London Stock Exchange and Germany's Deutsche Börse announce merger plans. 4 May – London mayoral election: Ken Livingstone elected Mayor of London defeating Steve Norris, the Conservative Party candidate in second place; and Frank Dobson, the Labour Party candidate in third place. 9 May – BMW sells the bulk of the Rover Group (the Rover and MG marques) to the Phoenix Consortium, while it retains the rights to the Mini marque, and sells Land Rover to Ford. 12 May - The Tate Modern art museum is opened. Ford announces that production of cars at its Dagenham plant will discontinue when the Fiesta is replaced in 2002. 17 May – Royal Marines Alan Chambers and Charlie Paton become the first British people to reach the Geographic North Pole unaided. 20 May – Chelsea beat Aston Villa 1–0 to win the last FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium before the old stadium (which is due to close in October) is rebuilt. 24 May – National Botanic Garden of Wales opens to the public in Carmarthenshire. 25 May – National Waste Strategy first published. June – Celtic Manor Wales Open European Tour golf tournament first played. 7 June – Tony Blair receives a hostile reception during a speech at the Women's Institute, where he is heckled and slow hand-clapped by furious members. 10 June – The much-anticipated Millennium Bridge opens to the public, but has to close after it starts swaying. 12 June – The England national football team begins its participation in the European Championships, jointly hosted by the Netherlands and Belgium. They lose their opening group game 3–2 to Portugal despite taking an early 2–0 lead through Paul Scholes and Steve McManaman. 17 June – Alan Shearer, who is set to retire from international football after the European Championships, scores the only goal as England beat holders Germany 1–0 in the second group game. 18 June – Following a series of hooliganism incidents by England fans, UEFA threatens to expel England from Euro 2000 if there is any further trouble. 20 June – England's hopes of winning Euro 2000 are ended when they lose 3–2 to Romania in the final group game, again after taking the lead earlier in the game. 21 June – Repeal in Scotland of controversial Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 which prevented local authorities from "promoting homosexuality". Section 28 is not repealed in the rest of the UK until 2003. 30 June – David Copeland is found guilty of causing the three nail bomb attacks in London last year. He is sentenced to life imprisonment and the trial judge recommends that he should serve at least 30 years before being considered for parole, meaning that he is likely to remain in prison until at least 2029 and the age of 54. July – Vauxhall launches the all-new Agila city car. 5 July – Colin Fallows, driving the Vampire turbojet-propelled dragster, sets a British land speed record, a mean 300.3 mph (483.3 km/h), at Elvington, Yorkshire. 14 July – Reality television game show Big Brother first airs in Britain. 18 July – Alex Salmond resigns as the leader of the Scottish National Party. 20 July – Production of the Ford Escort, one of Britain's most successful and iconic motoring nameplates, finishes after 32 years. 23 July – The News of the World starts a campaign for Sarah's Law, in honour of murdered Surrey girl Sarah Payne, who was found dead in West Sussex on 17 July having gone missing 16 days earlier. 28 July – Last 80 prisoners leave the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland as part of the Northern Ireland peace process. 4 August – Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother celebrates her 100th birthday. 26 August – Gangster and murderer Reggie Kray, in the 32nd year of his life sentence at Broadmoor Hospital, is released from prison on compassionate grounds by Home Secretary Jack Straw due to bladder cancer from which he is expected to die within weeks. September – Ford unveils its all-new second generation Mondeo large family car, which is due on sale towards the end of this year. 8 September – UK fuel protests: Protesters block the entrances to oil refineries in protest against high fuel prices. Panic buying by motorists leads to nationwide petrol shortages, with between 75–90% of all UK petrol stations closing due to low supplies in the following week. 14 September – After beginning the year 20 points behind the Labour government in the opinion polls, the Conservative opposition's hopes of winning the next election (due to be held within 18 months) are boosted when they come two points ahead of Labour on 38% in a MORI opinion poll. 15 September – 1 October – Great Britain competes at the Olympics in Sydney and wins 11 gold, 10 silver and 7 bronze medals. 18 September – Survivors of the Southall and Ladbroke Grove rail disasters criticise Railtrack for putting costs ahead of safety and causing a series of blunders which led to the tragedies. 23 September - Earthquake in Warwickshire. Rower Steve Redgrave wins his fifth consecutive gold medal at the Olympics. October – Ford launches the all-new Mondeo with a range of saloons, hatchbacks and estates. 1 October – Reggie Kray dies of cancer in a Norwich hotel at the age of 66. 4 October – After 41 years, production of the Mini car ends at the Longbridge plant owned by MG Rover in Birmingham. The new model will go into production next spring at the Cowley plant in Oxford that is owned by BMW. 7 October – Wembley Stadium closes after 77 years. It is set to re-open in 2003 following a complete reconstruction that will see its capacity raised to 90,000 all-seated. In the final game at the old stadium, the England football team loses 1–0 to Germany in their opening qualifying game for the 2002 World Cup and manager Kevin Keegan resigns after 18 months in charge. 16 October – The BBC's main evening news show moves to 10:00 pm; the following year ITV1 will move its news back to the same time slot and broadcasts in direct competition. 17 October – Hatfield rail crash: A Great North Eastern Railway InterCity 225 train derails south of Hatfield station, killing 4 people. 23 October – After the fuel protests were solved, Labour support has been restored, according to the latest MORI opinion poll which shows them 13 points ahead of the Conservatives with 45% of the vote. 26–27 October – Following the death of Donald Dewar, Henry McLeish is selected to be First Minister of Scotland by the Scottish Parliament, and is officially appointed by The Queen. 26 October – House of Lords delivers judgement in White v White, a landmark case in redistribution of finances and property on divorce. 30 October – Sven-Göran Eriksson, the 52-year-old Swedish coach of Italian side Lazio, accepts an offer from the Football Association to take charge of the England team for five years commencing next July. Eriksson will be the first foreign manager to take charge of the England team, but until his arrival the England team will be jointly managed by interim coaches Peter Taylor and Howard Wilkinson. 7 November – The theft of £350 million worth of diamonds from the Millennium Dome is foiled by police. 16 November – Actor Michael Caine receives a knighthood from the Queen. 18 November – Marriage of American actor Michael Douglas and Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones. 20 November – Judith Keppel becomes the first person to win £1 million on the television programme Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. 21 November – Dennis Canavan MSP resigns as MP for Falkirk West, triggering a by-election. 23 November – Double by-election held in Glasgow Anniesland to elect successors to Donald Dewar's seats in both the UK Parliament and the Scottish Parliament. Labour holds both seats with swings to the SNP of 6% and 7%. 26 November – Rio Ferdinand, the 22-year-old England national football team defender, becomes the nation's most expensive player in an £18million transfer from West Ham United to Leeds United. 27 November – Damilola Taylor, a 10-year-old school boy originally from Nigeria, is stabbed to death on his way home from school in Peckham, London. 2 December – Two teenagers and a 39-year-old man are released on police bail after being arrested in connection with the Damilola Taylor killing. 3 December – The Church of England introduces the Common Worship series of service books. 8 December – The Equitable Life Assurance Society closes to new business. 21 December – Falkirk West by-election results in Eric Joyce retaining the seat for Labour, though with a majority reduced to just 705 votes in the face of a swing of 16.2% to the SNP. 22 December – American pop star Madonna, 42, marries 32-year-old British film producer Guy Ritchie at Skibo Castle in the Scottish Highlands. 29 December – Arctic weather conditions blight Britain, with heavy snow and temperatures as low as −13C plaguing the country and causing extensive gridlocking on the roads and railways. 31 December – The Millennium Dome closes as planned after one year. 2000 is the wettest year on record in the UK. Sales of the DVD format, first launched in the UK in June 1998, pass the 1 million mark, although the VHS format remains by far the most popular format of home video. Television BBC One 1 January – Castaway 2000 (2000–2001) 23 January – Clocking Off (2000–2003) 4 February – My Hero (2000–2006) 27 February – Monarch of the Glen (2000–2005) 26 March – Doctors (2000–present) 2 October – BBC Breakfast (2000–present) 16 October – BBC News at Ten (2000–present) BBC Two 12 May – Coupling (2000–2004) 14 August – The Weakest Link (2000–2012) BBC News 24 Click Online (2000 – present) ITV 20 January – At Home with the Braithwaites (2000–2003) 13 March – Savage Planet (2000–2000s) 15 August – The People Versus (2000–2002) Channel 4 14 July – Big Brother (Channel 4 2000–2010, Channel 5 2011–present) Channel 5 11 September – The Wright Stuff (2000–present) 12 September – Jailbreak (2000) BBC Choice 30 May – Liquid News (2000–2004) Sky 11 September – Time Gentlemen Please (2000–2002) BRIT Awards The 2000 BRIT Awards winners were: Best selling live act: Steps Best soundtrack: "Notting Hill" British album: Travis – "The Man Who" British breakthrough act: S Club 7 British dance act: The Chemical Brothers British female solo artist: Beth Orton British group: Travis British male solo artist: Tom Jones British single: Robbie Williams – "She's the One" British video: Robbie Williams – "She's the One" International breakthrough act: Macy Gray International female: Macy Gray International group: TLC International male: Beck Outstanding contribution: Spice Girls Pop act: Five Number-one singles Westlife - "I Have a Dream"/"Seasons in the Sun" Manic Street Preachers - "The Masses Against the Classes" Britney Spears - "Born to Make You Happy" Gabrielle - "Rise" Oasis - "Go Let It Out" All Saints - "Pure Shores" Madonna - "American Pie" Chicane with Bryan Adams - "Don't Give Up" Geri Halliwell - "Bag It Up" Melanie C featuring Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes - "Never Be The Same Again" Westlife - "Fool Again" Craig David - "Fill Me In" Fragma - "Toca's Miracle" Oxide & Neutrino - "Bound 4 Da Reload (Casualty)" Britney Spears - "Oops!... I Did It Again" Madison Avenue - "Don't Call Me Baby" Billie Piper - "Day & Night" Sonique - "It Feels So Good" Black Legend - "You See the Trouble with Me" Kylie Minogue - "Spinning Around" Eminem - "The Real Slim Shady" The Corrs - "Breathless" Ronan Keating - "Life Is a Rollercoaster" Five + Queen - "We Will Rock You" Craig David - "7 Days" Robbie Williams - "Rock DJ" Melanie C - "I Turn to You" Spiller featuring Sophie Ellis-Bextor - "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" Madonna - "Music" A1 - "Take On Me" Modjo - "Lady (Hear Me Tonight)" Mariah Carey featuring Westlife - "Against All Odds" All Saints - "Black Coffee" U2 - "Beautiful Day" Steps - "Stomp" Spice Girls - "Holler"/"Let Love Lead the Way" Westlife - "My Love" A1 - "Same Old Brand New You" LeAnn Rimes - "Can't Fight the Moonlight" Destiny's Child - "Independent Women Part I" S Club 7 - "Never Had a Dream Come True" Eminem featuring Dido - "Stan" Bob the Builder - "Can We Fix It?" Popular Films How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Cast Away Mission: Impossible II Gladiator What Women Want The Perfect Storm Meet the Parents X-Men Scary Movie What Lies Beneath Gladiator Erin Brockovich Billy Elliot
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    Added by: Peter Smith
    Last modified: 7 years ago
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    Picture Taken: 2015-06-02T06:46:25
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