Tyne and Wear HER(149): North Shields, Clifford's Fort, post medieval defences
"Clifford's Fort was built in 1672, the beginning of the third Dutch War, as a successor to a little fort (c. 1642) of "baskets filled with sand and mortar, with guns placed between the baskets". Designed by Martin Beckman, it was an irregular shape with its long axis north-south. A raised platform, walled and with a three storey redoubt, protected a low riverside gun battery. The surviving west and north walls, of stone rubble beneath brick parapets, with gun ports and musket loops, are probably of this date. The principal later alterations, largely of the 18th century, included several new buildings such as barracks and the master gunner's house...." -
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Link: http://twsitelines.info/SMR/149
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 2 months ago
Viewed: 580 times
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