Tyne and Wear HER(5063): Newcastle, Exhibition Park
"The Exhibition Park was the site of the Royal Jubilee Exhibition of 1887 and the North East Coast Exhibition, which opened on May 14th 1929 The 125 acre site was carved out of the Town Moor. All that survives of the 1887 layout is the bandstand (HER 5065). The 1929 exhibition left us with the former Palace of Arts (HER 5064), and a promenade from Claremont Road. The 1929 exhibition featured palaces of Engineering (occupied by big firms and shipbuilders), Industries (demonstrating new ideas such as sewing machines and vacuum cleaners) and Arts, 12 Egyptian towers and an African village (with imported Africans who were required to live out their daily lives there). It attracted 4,373,138 visitors. The architects for the art deco, Egyptian-style and futuristic buildings were Sunderland's W and TR Milburn, specialists in cinema and theatre design....." -
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Link: http://www.twsitelines.info/SMR/5063
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 919 times
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