"Site of pele tower-cum-hunting lodge, probably built in C14. The building was used to hold forest courts from 1442 and later served as a residence but was reported to be in a state of ruin by 1647. Leland wrote "The Bishop of Duresme hath a praty square pile on the north side of Were ryver, caullid the Westgate, and therebye is a parke" Site currently overgrown. From the mid 13th century through to the early 17th, Westgate castle was one of the most important buildings in the North Pennines. It provided the 'west gate' into Bishop of Durham's great deer park of Stanhope, and functioned as an administrative headquarters for the Bishop's extensive estate encompassing the old Forest of Weardale. By the mid 17th century it lay in ruins....." -
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Link: http://www.gatehouse-gazetteer.info/English%20sites/1029.html
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 5 months ago
Viewed: 683 times
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