Coanwood Friends Meeting House
"Coanwood Friends Meeting House was established in 1760 under the auspices of Cuthbert Wigham, a local landowner who had joined the Society of Friends, or ‘Quakers’, in 1734. Coanwood is significant in the fact that it has been spared major alteration since its construction in 1760. A simple, slate-roofed stone building, the date of its construction, 1760, is carved on the lintel above the entrance. There is a sloping walled graveyard to the front of the building with typical Quaker gravestones dating from the 19th century. The graveyard is thought to be full, but owing to Quaker tradition the majority of plots are unmarked. Gravestones were first prohibited in Quaker burial grounds by a Minute of London Yearly Meeting (the Quakers’ governing body)in 1717 which also urged the removal of those existing. It was not until 1850 that it was decided that plain headstones of uniform design were not inconsistent with Quaker principles. All of the gravestones in the grounds belong to members of the Wigham family, highlighting their enduring association with the Meeting House." Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2015. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 7 months ago
Viewed: 631 times
Picture Taken: 2015-02-13 -
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