The House of Recovery, off Bath Lane, NE1
"Built in 1804 as a fever hospital, situated away from the (then) main centre of the town. It closed in 1888 when the City Hospital for Infectious Diseases was opened. The rather austere three-storey building is five bays wide, three of which are in a central pavilion. All the ground floor openings, including the central main door, are set within curved arches. All the windows have shaped heads, but only the first floor has a continuous sill. The building is Grade II listed . The Buildings of Grainger Town - No.218. See [[4406042]]." Photo by Mike Quinn, 2014. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 878 times
Picture Taken: 2014-09-13 -
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